Hammerhead 360 transports you to The Bahamas to immerse you in the crystal blue waters of Paradise on Earth. Hang out with the crew of The Bimini Shark Lab to learn about their important research, then duck beneath the waves to spend time with one of the most diverse populations of sharks on Earth.
Get eye-to-eye with the awe-inspiring great hammerhead shark while learning about the intricate web of biodiversity that supports the well-being of these beloved and iconic ocean giants. Experience all the heart-pounding adventure and thrill of a hammerhead encounter from the comfort of your chair. Hammerhead 360 will bring your most exciting shark diving dreams to life, no tanks needed!
James Beissel - Director
Lana Beissel - Writer
Dave Weidner - Executive Producer
Sue Thompson - Executive Producer
Eric Schmidt - Associate Producer
Todd Lehman - Production Manager
Todd Lehman - Drone Pilot
Matt Jones - Colorist
Corey Crawford - Spatial Audio Mix